Core Values
- Independent - not aligned with:
- any political party.
- any religion.
- any party to a conflict.
- any corporation.
- any government.
- any individual.
- Unequivocal - We believe the ends cannot justify the means. Human rights violations must be taken at face value irrespective of any other considerations. Moreover, human rights are not a privilege - they are a birthright belonging to all humanity.
- Impartial - We will always consider all sides of an issue, with human rights serving as the pivotal concern. Rights violations will be condemned no matter which party commits them.
- Credible - We will attempt to only produce and present factual information. The organisation must avoid 'overstating the case' in order to further an argument.
- Democratic - All members and staff of the organisation must be able to put forth ideas and contribute to decision-making. The administrative, financial, and decision-making structure must be transparent.
- Focussed - We will maintain a strict focus in the NGO on our mission (working towards the elimination of gross human rights violations). This focus demands that the organisation always chooses the most effective approach for the fulfilment of this mission.